I promise I'll get into a better groove with this blog. We've had a very busy couple of weeks. I'll try to chronicle them over the next few days instead of creating one huge post that will lose you to boredom. I wanted to tell you about a couple laughs Lola has given us lately. Right now she is sitting next to me with Randy 'in her lap' rocking him, patting him on the back, and singing him a lovely tune. I'm finding it a bit hard to concentrate on this post. But here are the Lola giggles I promised:
-A couple of days ago, I hung up the phone in frustration after dropping the call three times. We've had no house phone for over a week due to Randy's changing of our phone service. Hopefully, we'll have the adapter for our phones very soon; but I digress. Anyhow, Lola is in the habit of asking "What happened?" every time she thinks she's missed something important. I answered her by saying, "Mommy's mad at daddy, but it's ok." Her reply? "No, mommy, don't. Daddy's a good girl!" After I stopped laughing I reassured her that I would forgive him. When Randy came home, I told him this story while she stood by. At the end she said, "That was funny!" Randy may be hoping for an Olympic medalist but he may end up with a comedian.
- Just a few minutes ago, Lola was pretending to put makeup on Randy as he lay in the floor. I watched her as she mimicked my routines and then proceeded to correct her when she pulled on Randy's eyelids and put her finger in his eye. She then did it to herself and again I told her not to do that because it wasn't safe. She said, "MiMi does it." Since she's in the habit of often saying so-and-so does it when I correct her for something, I replied, "No, she doesn't." Randy then pointed out that MiMi wears contacts. I apologized to Lola and she continued to show us how to insert and remove contacts from your eyes. I guess I'm not the only one she mimics.
We've had a great time with Randy's sister Kaylie the last few days. She came on Tuesday with Grandma Carol (Bradley) & Grandpa Wilmer. They and Randy's brother Eric & his lovely girlfriend Erin joined us for a birthday celebration. Randy, Eric and Wilmer all have July birthdays. We took Kaylie home today (Friday) and Lola has already asked for her several times. Kaylie is getting ready to start OSU this fall but I selfishly wish she were going to school here in the metro. She is wonderful with Lola and fun to be around. You can see how much Lola loves her...
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