Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Scurring Squirrels

Lola and I have added a new dimension to our relationship... partnership. For the last two days, we have been "scurring" squirrels away from the new bird feeder. Randy replaced the hummingbird feeder with a finch feeder and we've been watching lots of birds snack right outside our huge window. Of course, we've also been watching the squirrels chase the birds away and steal their food. Lola & I take turns noticing a bushy tail swinging from the feeder and rushing over to the window to hopefully frighten it away for good. At first all it took was a knock and a loud "hey" but now we are resorting to beating on the window and barking like dogs. I'm afraid of what will come next. After returning to our seats, my work and her show, following the last round of pretending to be big dogs, she and I looked at each other and burst into laughter and proceeded to discuss how crazy the whole situation is. She seemed so grown-up and I realized it was a really special moment... we had switched from caretaker and toddler (ok, sometime parasite) to partners in saving the bird feeder.

Before you start feeling sorry for the squirrels, they have total access to another bird feeder from which they are free to steal all the seed... and do just that. This feeder is on a small plant pole that is likely to spring right into our beautiful window if one of our theiving squirrels climbs it just right. And, the little bushy-tailed rodents are keeping the birds away from our viewing pleasure!

1 comment:

Raelynn said...

Great story!! I can see you two laughing about your squirrel chasing antics. :)