Saturday, May 30, 2009

For Your Viewing Pleasure

The rooms are still incomplete but too many people have been begging for photos. I've been inviting everyone to come see them but for some reason no one shows. You would think we lived in another country, as hard as it is to get some of you to visit us! Anyhow, I'm going to give you a peek at what we have been doing starting with the nursery/guest room.

The nursery still needs the artwork that Randy is creating, a mobile that I will make once I find what I'm looking for, and a changing pad for the space my magazines are currently occupying.

Lola's room is almost complete. I am going to do something to the new trunk we bought her for her books. The flowers don't quite match the feel of her room. I'm looking for some "pretty things" to hang from her shelf and Randy is also creating artwork for her room. It's nice to have a cool artist for a dad! However, he has been so swamped at work and is backlogged on a couple of other projects so I'm not sure when we will see the artwork on the walls! I don't dare use something to fill the space in the meantime, the blank walls will give him a sense of urgency!

I'll share photos of the completed rooms when they finally get there. Oh and by the way, Lola has acclimated to her room quite well. So well, that I'm missing our morning cuddle time. We only needed about four days of rewards but she still enjoys placing her sticker on her chart. We are about to implement the use of another chart to aid in some of the other things we would like to teach her to do. I'll let you know how it works out; enjoy your weekend!


Tabitha said...

Amazing, as always! You are so gifted, Misty!

Anonymous said...

love love love love!!!!

Gloria Ives said...

I love your decorating style its bright and Cheerful and UP. UP is good.
