Friday, December 12, 2008

Out of the Mouth of Our Babe

The light dusting of snow we had earlier this week prompted Lola to ask, "Does that mean Santa Claus is coming now?"

Our babe's choice of breakfast is peanut butter and crackers. In fact, many mornings she wakes up with this plea, "Mommy, I want peanut butter and crackers. PLEASE!!!" A couple of days ago, I guess she noticed as I threw the empty peanut butter jar away. The next day when I asked her if that is what she wanted and proceeded to fix her favorite breakfast plate, she crawled up in a chair next to the bar and said, "We have peanut butter! Why did you get that peanut butter?"
"I got it for you, Lola. Because I know you like it."
"Wow! You're AWEsome, Mom!"

Let it be known by all, I AM AWESOME!!!

1 comment:

Raelynn said...

you indeed are AWEsome!!