Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Little Miss Independent

Lola has become self-sufficient in many ways. Tonight as I tucked her in bed, I started her DVD player. I know; please don't send me any nasty comments on how I'm ruining her sleep habits and exposing her to too much television. Anyhow, when the DVD began I noticed that it wasn't her usual fare of burned Backyardigans episodes. I mumbled, "What's this?" Then I asked Lola if this is what she wanted to watch. She answered, "Maybe... let's figure it out." I noticed it was Cars and asked if that would be fine. She told me that yes, she wanted to watch it and that she had put it in the player earlier that afternoon so she could watch it tonight. Maybe I shouldn't be, but I continue to be amazed at her expanding thought processes and independence. So I walked out of her room and asked Randy if he put Cars in the DVD player for her. Before he could answer no, she called out with a slight hint of frustration, "No! I did it!"

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