Probably not what you are thinking!

Tonight we had a very loud thunderstorm. The lightning was
fierce according to the news. The meteorologist instructed us not to use corded phones or electronics and not to take a bath or shower during the storm. Now, I've never heard anyone actually give either of those warnings on television. However, growing up I heard it from my MeMe several times. Staying off the phone, I could understand; but I always thought that the shower/bath thing was a little bit paranoid. I owe MeMe an apology. The thunderstorm hit as we were cleaning up after dinner. The dishwasher was full and I had to wash a few things by hand. I risked it but I kept thinking to myself, "I have an excuse to leave these dirty dishes lying here and skip out on washing. Why am I still doing this?" The answer - because I wanted to get it done. But now I know that whenever there's a good lightning storm, I have a good excuse to get out of doing the dishes.
The storm bothered Lola tonight. She has never been afraid of thunder. We have always celebrated the
boom-booms. It could be because a couple of months ago she and I had a terrifying experience as we huddled in the closet to avoid a tornado overhead. We heard the famous train sound and the windows and doors (even the interior bedroom and closet doors) were shaking from the commotion. It did some damage along our street and we felt spared by God. Honestly, I have been experiencing nerves through every storm since then. We need a storm shelter!!! Anyhow, because of our
celebrate the thunder philosophy we went around clapping and singing the old "Boom, Boom, Boom" call and response. She quickly began to lead us in the song and kept it going longer than was comfortable for either of us.
Speaking of comfortable, Randy has found a new way to cajole Lola into her pajamas at night. She hates to go to bed unless we are as well. She is a night owl like her parents and doesn't want to miss anything. She'll say, "Are you going to bed in a minute, too?" Lately, she's been starting to melt down when we get the pajamas and ask her to get her books. She knows it signals the bedtime routine. Now Randy says, "I want to get comfortable. I'm going to get my pajamas." Then she'll reply with, "I want to get comsorble, too!" Then we proceed with the routine.
And on the subject of routine, it seems like Lola has picked one up from us. On Sunday night after all but one of our guests had gone, Randy escaped to the bathroom. Lola came in the living room where I and my friend Micah were conversing and she left a little trail of offensive odor. I asked her if she need to poo-poo and she said yes. She went to the restroom and called me in because her shorts fell off and she wanted them back. I went to sit back down with my friend and shortly after Lola begin to yell, "I need a magazine! I need a magazine!" I looked at Micah and said, "Did she say magazine?" We began to laugh hysterically as I came to Lola's rescue with a catalog to peruse as she did her business. I returned to my conversation again until she called with the wipe request. This photo is from January when I caught her in my bathroom with reading material. I missed Sunday's photo op. In case you are wondering, she's "reading" the insert from her
Cars DVD.

One other funny thing... Randy and I were discussing Lola's babyhood at dinner and how he used to hold her. I asked Lola if she wanted us to have a baby brother or sister for her. She said, "No, I have a Jaxson." Randy said, "You don't want a brother or sister?" To which she replied, "No, I see Jaxson this weekend. Four days. I hold him like a baby." She's been begging to see Jaxson, Dustin and Dana, Nana and Poppy all week. I told her yesterday that she was going to go home with Nana on Saturday. I think it's brilliant that she realized Saturday was this weekend. We certainly haven't talked about the days of the week. And four days? Well that's her answer for anything that isn't right now or in a minute. As for holding Jaxson like a baby - good luck! He was slinging her around like a rag doll when she dared play with his toys last week. They are about 21 months apart but he is almost as big as Lola is. Back to the story... I asked one more time, "Lola, do you want Mommy to have a baby?" Her quick response was, "I have a baby."