A couple of weekends ago, we trailed off to Dallas with some of our best friends Mary & Jeff to hit a concert by my current favorite band. I've been a fan of Bitter:Sweet for a few years now. Their sound is a bit hard to define because it is a melting pot of sounds - retro, ambient, jazz, James Bond (yes, that's a sound), and more. Their music is definitely fun to dance to and it makes me feel a little flirty so Randy & I joke about it being my "sexy" music. The concert was absolutely incredible. The venue was small - the Pontiac Garage at Dallas House of Blues - which is about the only way I will go to a live show. Otherwise, I prefer to catch my fave acts on television where I can actually see them and not pay the crazy concert prices for the view from my binoculars. But that is a rant for another blog. Back to the show... it was full of retro coolness, phenomenal musicianship, amusing showmanship, playful seductiveness, and the band was quite friendly. We took photos with Bitter:Sweet, but I don't have them to post right now. But you can check out the band here: www.bittersweetmusic.com
We drove to Dallas on Saturday after I took Lola to meet Mom who happened to be in OKC for a church outing. Our first stop in Texas was at David and Daniela's house where we stayed the night. David is Jeff's older brother and his wife Dani is from Brazil. They were amazing hosts and have a beautiful home. It was great getting to know them. We met up with Mary's sister Casey for dinner at a yummy Mexican cafe in Lakewood and went back to her place to eat cupcakes from Sprinkles, have a glass of red wine, and cheer Michael Phelps and the rest of the amazing USA team in their last relay to victory.
On Sunday, we noshed on some fruit, bagels, and a buffet of fruit juices. I'm not kidding, they had about five kinds of juice! Then Mary, Dani and I headed out for some shopping and a trip to Ikea. We barely made it back to the house in time to change into our uptown clothes and eventually missed our dinner reservations. But it turned out fine because we were still able to get into Sangria and dine on some really fabulous tapas with plenty of time to roam the neighborhood. Casey had joined us for dinner and acted as tour guide. We finished off with custard from Wild About Harry's and jumped into Z Gallerie (my favorite home store ever! it's like walking inside myself) so that I could ooh and ah over my wish list. Then we scooted on over to the concert.
Jeff & Mary waiting to get in the concert.
Our tickets had seating information on them so we were surprised when we got into the concert hall to find that there was no seating. Mary and I were both in heels and I was in a dress. The concert was getting a late start and we were growing more uncomfortable so we decided to head out to the car to change our clothes. On our way out, we ran into Mary's closest friends from MBA school and met some people they were going to the concert with so that was a fun bonus.
Posing at Waffle House.
By the time the concert was over, we had all worked up an appetite again. So on our way home we found a Waffle House and to our surprise the cook was related to Erin! Erin is our good friend and the girlfriend of Randy's brother Eric. What a small world! Randy, Jeff & Mary all had to work on Monday morning so I was the chauffeur on the way home. Once we got there, we crashed into bed about 3:45am!
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