My dad, better known as Poppy, fell at work yesterday and broke his hip. He lost his footing on a 2x4 that was propping up a boat. He was there by himself and thank goodness he had his phone on him. He called 911 and had an ambulance take him to the hospital, but he didn't call them first. He called his cousin Ronnie to come and lock the business, pull the boats inside, etc. When his esophagus ruptured (almost three years ago now), he was knocking on death's door and telling my mom about an invoice that needed to be paid. Last week, I took my mom to have a routine medical test that required sedation and they had given her some extra pain medication. She's a tiny woman and she was quite loopy. Right after she said she needed two more days of that kind of sleep, she started asking me what I thought about a business idea... that's the kind of work ethic my parents have.
Today Poppy had surgery to repair his hip. Tomorrow is his birthday and Saturday is my parent's 36th wedding anniversary. Our celebration was to include a big crab boil but I suppose we'll postpone that. They probably won't read this post for a while but here's to Nana & Poppy!

Poppy - Get Well & Happy Birthday, which seems a bit ridiculous to say right now even though we have so much to be grateful for...
Mom & Dad - Congratulations on doing what seems impossible for most people these days. You are both pretty amazing!
Note: The photo is from my dad's 30th birthday at a gig he was playing with his band The Sundance Band. That was 26 years ago. You do the math.
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