Lola and I just returned from a trip to visit my family in Warner, OK. Randy went with us last Friday and he came back on Sunday. Lola & I stayed to enjoy ourselves a bit longer and yesterday my sister took us to meet him in Seminole. We had lots of fun but as always, our trip was too short. The heat kept us indoors for most of the day. Even at night the pool was so warm that it was nowhere near refreshing.
We did linger out in the heat to supervise as Lola chauffeured her cousin Jaxson around in the Gator that Poppy bought for them. She is an amazing little driver. If any of you have ridden with Randy, you know she gets that from me! Dustin was watering the tomatoes and Lola & Jaxson on the Gator, as well as Nana & I during one of the Gator cruise sessions. Lola kept wiping the water out of Jaxson's face while we marveled over how sweet and nurturing she is toward him. He would then pat her hair and lay his head on her shoulder. All of this happened while she was still turning circles all around the yard.
We had the treat of spending time with Nana & Poppy, Dana, Dustin, Jaxson, MeMe, Aunt Dee, my niece Ariel, Granny Kay, and old friends at Warner First Assembly of God. We saw Poppy's new toy - a beautiful red and chrome 1968 Camaro. I left without a visual to add here but I intend to get a photo on my next trip.
One of my favorite moments happened when Dad was catalog shopping for his new toy. He is in a car club and will be showing the Camaro along with his old pickup which I have shown here. I asked him what all he needed to do to the Camaro and he proceeded to answer me about the heat and air. Lola was playing nearby and she interrupted, "Oh, Poppy, I need music in my Gator!" Poppy and I laughed and he told her he would have to trick it out with a transistor radio. I was amazed that she, seemingly oblivious to our conversation, connected Poppy fixing up his car with what he should do for hers. I'm sure she will get her wish.
When we pulled onto our street last night Lola began to cry, "I don't wanna go home! I don't wanna go home! I wanna go right back! I wanna see Dana! I want Jaxson! Go to Nana's! -etc., etc., etc." It was quite annoying and very sad. Randy recalled the same feelings when he would leave his grandparents. Since Randy wanted to catch Iron Man at the cinema I have previously mentioned, we compromised by taking her to the movie instead of back to Warner. By the time we did make it home, Randy was pretty miffed since he missed 20 of the last 30 minutes of the movie due to Lola needing a very long potty break. And he had been so ready for us to come home!!!
Hopefully, this weekend we will get to see MiMi & ProPro's new house. We are praying for cooler weather for the move. We're excited to see their new digs and celebrate this new phase of their lives. We are also hoping to spend time with our good friend Raelynn who is in Oklahoma for the funeral of her grandfather. We love Rae Rae! She is family and we want to show her our love and sympathy. She's lived with us a couple of times and we have missed her since she decided to live in the uber-cool land of Boulder, Colorado, with our other uber-cool friends. We visited there in May and have declared it our new home away from home.
Oh, yeah! Lola got her hair cut... OFF! It's cute but I've had quite a bit of remorse. I'll post a pic soon. Love to you all!
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